What is email marketing

Emailing is a flagship technique in Internet advertising. Modern, constructive, offering you better perspectives, it will allow you to create exactly what you want. In concrete terms, emailing is a process that allows the sending of multiple emails, often of an advertising nature. Generally, an emailing is the tool of a procedure. Most often, it is therefore the support of a marketing campaign. The purpose of such an of such an email is to promote the services and products that you are able to present to a panel of customers. a panel of customers. In another way, this type of e-mail can contribute to informing your customers, but in this case, the accepted term is newsletter. The term emailing is therefore retained for an email that makes commercial arguments.

The advantages of emailing

Email marketing has many advantages for you to make your campaigns successful.


When you send your e-mails, it is important to know whether they will reach the inbox, and moreover in the right conditions. ISPs (Internet Service Providers) have become stricter in their filtering methods. In addition, spam is is commonplace, so email managers are increasingly allowing their users to report a spam threat to report a spam threat themselves.

How a campaign is run

A campaign must be ordered in stages and its success will depend on each stage. We can define a campaign by 5 stages:

1 - Target

Market research and database building with opt-in collection. This step should enable you to know who is interested in your products/services.

2 - Create

This is when you decide what graphic style to adopt, how to present the content, what type of call-to-action to use, .., what type of call-to-action to use, ... You choose the design of your emailing here.

3 - Test

If you have several emailing templates but can't make up your mind, do some test mailings until you get the best emailing which will be the one with the best feedback.

4 - Send

With the help of emailing software, the sending times, frequencies and method of sending are crucial to the performance of your campaign. For example, it is important to have the capacity to send multiple e-mails, or to be able to program automatic sendings.

5 - Analyse

To understand what is wrong with your campaign, you need to analyse all the return rates, and thus correct your mistakes.

Strategy and objective of an emailing

It is possible to distinguish between two types of emailing which have very different strategies and objectives:


The prospecting email is a message in which you have to sell yourself to the customer. The aim is totally advertising, it is about canvassing a potential prospect. You must be able to convince the reader that he or she is better off investing with you. In such an e-mail, clarity and conciseness are essential, as well as links allowing a certain interactivity. You should also try to create added value in this type of emailing. However, prospecting by email is losing ground, and emailing is an excellent tool for building loyalty.

Customer loyalty

Loyalty emailing is similar to sending newsletters. A newsletter is a regular mailing to which readers have subscribed, usually via a website. To keep your customers coming back, you need to offer them content that interests them. Through the newsletter, you can therefore send promotional offers specific to the prospect's interests, personalised emails, post-purchase follow-up... The best way to build loyalty is through the loyalty programme itself, with a points accumulation system for example, you remind the user of the status of their accumulation by email. This type of email encourages purchases based on the rewards offered for loyalty. Sponsorship can also be a loyalty option. Subscribing also expresses a user's desire to be kept informed of your brand's news. This is where the informative nature of the newsletter comes into its own. Information on new products, services, user feedback can be included in an informative emailing.