Optimise your email to be read

Improving your email open rate will have a direct effect on your bottom line. Here are the best practices to follow to optimise your email open rate

The sender's name

The choice of sender name is very important, as it is often what your recipients will look at first before deciding whether or not to open your messages. Some use their company or brand name, others prefer to display a person's name. Sometimes you can even find a simple email address.

The sender name is decisive for the effectiveness of your campaigns

it forms the basis of the relationship with your recipients and will quickly determine whether your email is to be ignored, deleted or opened. The sender's name and subject line go hand in hand. No matter how catchy your subject line is, it will have no impact if the sender is vague, dubious or inappropriate.

Why 'From' is important

Consumers' inboxes are flooded with commercial messages, social network notifications and other transactional messages, and attention spans and time spent on email are declining. Messengers have added filtering and prioritisation features to their interface to allow users to sort and display emails by sender.

Mistakes to be avoided

Do not use an email address as the sender's name, as it is more difficult to read and therefore to identify. Moreover, it is characteristic of spammers.

Just as it is recommended not to use noreply®domain.com as a sender email: avoid "No reply" as a sender name. Even if it is email marketing, consumers hate to feel the automated side of these communications.

Don't be too long! Be precise, but concise, as the space for displaying the sender name is limited.

What works

Soyez constant, ne changez pas de nom d'expéditeur à chaque envoi. Si vos destinataires se sont inscrits sur votre site, ils connaissent votre entreprise. Ils s'attendent à recevoir des messages de votre entreprise une fois qu'ils se sont inscrits.

The sender's email address

You also need to choose a sender address. The choice of this address is important because it will have an impact on the image of your organisation and on the deliverability of the emails.

You should also be aware that the reputation of your sender address is stored and analysed by webmails. If you have a good reputation built up over time, it would be a shame not to benefit from it.

The subject of your message

Your goal is to be read, by applying these few tips, you will see real improvements.