Points to check before sending an email campaign
You have excluded from your list people who have unsubscribed as a result of your previous mailings.You have excluded duplicates.You have deleted the contacts that generated complaints.The sender name clearly identifies your company.The defined sender email address really exists.Your subject line is written to encourage people to open it and does not contain sensitive words (free, win, gift...) or repeated punctuation.Your subject line does not exceed 40 characters.Your message is in plain text or in HTML that respects emailing standards with in-line CSS.Your message has a maximum width of 600 pixels.The colours of the mail are not too flashy and make it easy to read.Your images are preferably hosted on the web (via a link).You have correctly filled in the ALT attributes of your images.You have placed a functional unsubscribe link.
With the increasing number of commercial emails sent, saturation is inevitable and it is therefore necessary to take care of the collection and targeting in order to send relevant offers or information that will make people react positively. anti-spam filters now go further and gradually become anti-advertising filters. Deliverability therefore remains a major issue in emailing to optimise the effectiveness of campaigns. If all the above points are met, you can send your message to your recipients.